lundi 7 mai 2018


Market situation in a nutshell:

To download the issue 21 of Grains Farmers, the bulletin of information about cereal market in West Africa,Click here

During the month of April 2018, with the approach of peak food consumption in Ramadan, commercial transactions remained dynamic and sustained. This density of transactions has led to a decline in local stocks, particularly in the maize, millet and sorghum markets. This drop in inventories has not yet translated into real price increases. In the rice market, good supplies have, for the time being, been able to meet demand and therefore maintain stable prices. The overall trend during the month of April 2018 is as follows:

For rice: During the month of April 2018, the marketing of both locally produced and imported rice continued and stabilized prices almost everywhere.

For Maize: During the month of April, prices have evolved differently depending on the country. While the decline in stocks in response to strong demand has led to a slight price increase in Guinea, Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali, the large stocks have stabilized prices in other countries. In all, we can see that the stability was put on the markets of 5 countries monitored while the increases were observed in 4 countries.

For millet: With the exception of the markets of Niger and Guinea where there was a slight rise in price, the trend during the month of April 2018 was towards stability on the markets of all other West African countries monitored by significant marketing.

For sorghum: the price increases observed on the sorghum market in Burkina Faso have continued and are expanding in Niger. On the other hand, prices in the rest of the sub region are relatively stable.

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