lundi 5 octobre 2020

GRAIN FARMERS N° 50 : September 2020

Market situation in a nutshell:

To download the issue 50 of Grains Farmers, the bulletin of information about cereal market in West AfricaClick here

During the month of September 2020, overall, stocks were down on the monitored cereal markets. However, these declines were offset by early market releases of new crops and import flows.

The end of the month was also marked by floods in some production areas in Benin, Ghana, and Niger, which resulted in road and field destruction. This situation could slightly lower the expected harvests.

Little by little, we are coming out of the lean season when, for a third consecutive season, the expected price increases were rather mixed on the cereal markets. Only sorghum and maize experienced some late increases towards the end of the lean season. Overall, prices have been stable, contrary to our expectations for rice and millet.

For rice: With the exception of Niger where slight price increases were noted, the trend was towards stability in all of the 7 other markets monitored

For maize: Apart from Burkina Faso and Niger where slight price increases were observed, the trend has been towards stability in all the other markets.

For millet: While Senegal, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin recorded price stability in their markets, the trend was upward in the markets of Niger and Burkina

For sorghum: Apart from Burkina Faso and Niger where slight increases were noted, the trend was towards stability in all the other markets monitored

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